Silent Dialogues: The Importance of Cards as Discursive Axis in Mother Language by Maria Teresa Andruetto.


  • David Salazar Ortiz Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa



Insile, Exile, Silence, Letter, Orality


The rescue of memory and the construction of identity from oral and written language are key elements in the narrative production of Marí­a Teresa Andruetto, especially in novels linked to the Argentine dictatorship of the seventies: La mujer en cuestión (2009), Lengua madre (2010) and Los manchados (2015). In each one of them the havoc suffered by civil society due to the military regime is reflected. In the case of Lengua madre, the narrative discourse is based on the insertion of different textual genres, for example, photographs, notes and mainly letters which structure a large part of the story. Under this perspective, the objective of this research is to analyze the importance of the letter as a discursive axis of the different rhetorical strategies used for the restitution and concretion of identity, for example, the subjectivity of language and orality, both related to silence, way of expressing the violence exercised by the dictatorial government. Likewise, the letter is studied as a space of resistance to the ethical and political convictions of those individuals censured by state terror.


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How to Cite

Salazar Ortiz, D. (2018). Silent Dialogues: The Importance of Cards as Discursive Axis in Mother Language by Maria Teresa Andruetto. Huella De La Palabra, (12), 88–105.


