Therapy Centered in Solutions Astreatment in Children’s Conduct and in the Parental Role Exercised by Grandparents in the Absence of Parents: Case Analysis


  • Alina Amairany Dorantes Rodrí­guez



Roles, Solution-Centered Therapy Model, Progress scales, Parental role, Grandparents


This research is qualitative about case study based on records and observations. Its non-experimental character is due to the fact that interactions were investigated without modifying any variable. It is based on intervention with a family whose roles are unclear and their boundaries are diffuse; where Maria wants with the therapy to learn strategies of the role of mother that her daughter delegates to improve the behavior of her granddaughters. Was useful for her the technique of scales of advance of the Model of Therapy Centered in Solutions to quantitatively measure girls’ progress assigning a number to their advances. Behavioral results were favorable and provided reassurance to the grandmother. This research culminates on November 5, 2015.


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How to Cite

Dorantes Rodrí­guez, A. A. (2017). Therapy Centered in Solutions Astreatment in Children’s Conduct and in the Parental Role Exercised by Grandparents in the Absence of Parents: Case Analysis. Xihmai, 12(24), 9–26.



Artículos de Investigación