Luisa Valenzuela: The “Unconfortable” Persistence of Memory


  • Bisherú Bernal Medel Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana



Argentine Dictatorship, Luisa Valenzuela, Literature and memory, Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo


In this space I intend to highlight the important role that memory plays through literature. In the forty two commemoration of the military dictatorial civic imposition in Argentina, I am interested in a brief analysis of the story ”The key” by Luisa Valenzuela, whose central theme is the emblematic struggle of the Mothers of the Plaza de Mayo in the cited time. The author carries out a fascinating deconstruction through the rewriting of ”Blue Beard”, text of the french narrator Charles Perrault, published for the first time in 1697. The transgressive character, characteristic in the work of Valenzuela, seeks to claim in this case the right to a female autonomy from the symbol of the key.


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How to Cite

Bernal Medel, B. (2018). Luisa Valenzuela: The “Unconfortable” Persistence of Memory. Huella De La Palabra, (12), 30–45.


