Learning Mediation in the Subject of Physics in High School Education from the Sociocultural Perspective: Optics Case





declarative knowledge, procedural, attitudinal, mediation, metavaloration


The present study is intended to make a cogitation about the arbitration in the learning of physics in high school from a sociocultural perspective, it includes declarative, procedural and attitudinal knowledge, considering the resolution of problems about optics and design of optic devices. The intention is to highlight an appropriate methodology to generate a critical and analytical thinking on its way to Independence, whereby the student recognizes his own weaknesses and strengths, performs a meta-valuation of his axiological features and develops skills for the proper use of lenses and mirrors.


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Author Biography

Marí­a Irma Garcí­a Ordaz, La Salle University

Docente-investigadora, Universidad La Salle Benavente, Departamento de Investigación y Desarrollo,Puebla, México.


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How to Cite

Garcí­a Ordaz, M. I. (2016). Learning Mediation in the Subject of Physics in High School Education from the Sociocultural Perspective: Optics Case. Xihmai, 10(20), 41–54. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v10i20.263



Artículos de Investigación