Filial Maternal Bond. Genetics or Culture?


  • Marí­a de la Luz Casas Martí­nez Universidad Panamericana



Mother, Child, Maternal-instinct, Pregnancy, Maternal-child bond


The study of the mother-child bond is of great importance. Procreation is the basis of the survival of the human species and the quality of childcare. The objective of this work is to analyze this concept interdisciplinary through systematic bibliographic review. Neurosciences indicate that pregnancy produces changes in the mother´s brain, causing in turn an increase in attention and care for children. For anthropology, the so-called "maternal instinct," referring to the unconditional love of the mother for his/her child, does not always occur and may be denied or rejected by the mother. Philosophy considers both arguments, pointing out that the human being has biology, but is free in the choice of behaviors. Because of its impact on the quality and subsistence of the human species, the study of the mother-child bond must continue to be studied.


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How to Cite

Casas Martí­nez, M. de la L. (2020). Filial Maternal Bond. Genetics or Culture?. Xihmai, 15(29), 59–82.



Artículos de Investigación