
  • Iván Espino Pichardo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo
  • Roberto Wesley Zapata Durán Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo




Understanding, right, dimension, time, androcentrism, harmony


The present work raises how to observe the Law to understand it in depth. Analyzing its concept, nature, the elements that make it up; as well as, with the study of the ideas that are involved in it, its optimization and the discovery of a force that caused its foundation and that transforms it. During the present work, Law is broken down as a dual model that integrates rules and principles, to position it in a dimension that allows us to integrate existing figures in the world, which due to factors such as time and androcentrism, have not been effectively incorporated and that they are a proposal for harmony among those who, in an interdependent manner, share the same terrestrial community with a common destiny.


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How to Cite

Espino Pichardo, I., & Wesley Zapata Durán, R. (2022). DIMENSIONAL UNDERSTANDING OF LAW. Xihmai, 17(34), 113–142. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v17i34.560



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