R.J. Walsh: from The Picana Sect to the Open Letter From a Writer to the Military Meeting.


  • Wendolyn del Carmen Martí­nez Garcí­a Universidad Autónoma Metropolitana-Iztapalapa




Subversive, Triple A, Parapolice, National Security Doctrine


The purpose of this work is to analyze how the Argentina’s state coup, occurred in 1976, it was supported by the United States of America. After the Second World War, through the National Security Doctrine, the CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) indoctrinated the Latin American armies against communism and the subversion. The review of texts ”La secta de la picana” y ”Carta abierta de un escritor a la Junta Militar” of Rodolfo Walsh will allow me to demonstrate that the dictatorship carried fulfilled the NSD; however, the State’s violence it arose long ago parapolicial groups and the Triple A against that diffuse enemy, called communist or subversive.


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How to Cite

Martí­nez Garcí­a, W. del C. (2018). R.J. Walsh: from The Picana Sect to the Open Letter From a Writer to the Military Meeting. Huella De La Palabra, (12), 106–117. https://doi.org/10.37646/huella.vi12.372


