Coping Strategies, Stress and Attachment Styles in Primary Caregivers of Patients with CKD of the IMSS Hidalgo


  • Marí­a del Carmen Licona Jiménez Universidad La Salle Pachuca
  • Felix López Moreno Universidad La Salle Pachuca
  • Arturo Del Castillo Arreola Universidad La Salle Pachuca



Coping , Stress , Attachment styles


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between coping strategies, stress level and attachment style in primary caregivers of patients with CKD. Included 60 primary caregivers of patients with CKD of IMSS Hidalgo. The Coping Strategies Inventory, the Perceived Stress Scale and the Scale of Adult Attachment Styles were used to assess these variables. Bivariate Pearson Correlation analysis was used, obtaining statistically significant relationship between anxious attachment and coping strategies of resignation and acceptance, and between avoidant attachment and high stress levels. From these results may raise interventions whose primary goal is the modification of attachment styles and levels of stress in this population.


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How to Cite

Licona Jiménez, M. del C., López Moreno, F., & Del Castillo Arreola, A. (2015). Coping Strategies, Stress and Attachment Styles in Primary Caregivers of Patients with CKD of the IMSS Hidalgo. Huella De La Palabra, (9), 57–70.


