Electric cars: their reception and image in the mexican market. Are they a real solution to pollution?


  • Fabián Baruch Gómez Maldonado Universidad La Salle Pachuca




Marketing, advertising, electric cars, technological advances, Mexico


This text attempts to decipher how truthful the advertising and marketing around electric cars is as a solution to mobility and environmental pollution. To do this, a historical review of the electric car is carried out and three in-depth interviews are carried out with two buyers of these products and an engineer specializing in the subject. It is important to highlight that Mexico, compared to other countries, has not developed or exploited this technology because public structures and policies are still not sufficient for its adoption and popularization.


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How to Cite

Gómez Maldonado , F. B. (2023). Electric cars: their reception and image in the mexican market. Are they a real solution to pollution?. Huella De La Palabra, 17(17), 48–61. https://doi.org/10.37646/huella.v17i17.608


