Political Theology of the refugee crisis: between the duty to welcome and the realistic decision of sovereignties to receive or expel


  • Diana Marcela Pérez Bolaños Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
  • Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva Universidad Rey Juan Carlos




Refugee crisis, Political Theology, Carl Schmitt, moral reactions, politicization


One of the virtues of Carl Schmitt's Political Theology is the double reading that it proposes to us: on the one hand, it is a virtuous claim for the politicization of the supposedly impolitical Christian theology and, on the other hand, it is a method of analysis of political concepts. which focuses on its theological origins rather than on claims to scientificity.

In this article, we will use the method of Political Theology to analyze a current, supposedly political and rational problem: the Refugee Crisis. In particular, we are going to analyze the moral reactions that are being generated in European societies in the face of the unbridled influx of refugees coming, in most cases, from Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Palestine, Venezuela and Colombia since 2015.


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How to Cite

Pérez Bolaños, D. M., & Duque Silva, G. A. (2023). Political Theology of the refugee crisis: between the duty to welcome and the realistic decision of sovereignties to receive or expel. Xihmai, 18(35), 9–38. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v18i35.578



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