Intercultural and sustainable community engagement

Towards the recovery of biocultural heritage in the Sierra Norte de Puebla


  • Luis Marcelo De Luca Universidad Intercultural del Estado de Puebla



Community engagement, transdisciplinarity, biocultural knowledge, dialogue of knowledge


The text aims to identify a few drawbacks and problematic conceptual issues for those who seek to restore the meaning of the biocultural perspective as the ethical foundation and rationale for the social changes we aspire to witness in rural communities, with particular attention to the conditions of indigenous peoples, which is the primary objective of intercultural universities. The community engagement that has been exercised by the Intercultural University of the State of Puebla could potentially serve as the platform from which possible actions are generated to address the needs and complex challenges. Drawing from the sustained experience of several years, the objective is to pose a series of questions that guide the search for explanations and potential actions that facilitate progress towards a mutually satisfactory complementation for all actors involved in what we can term as community engagement initiatives, one of the key educational pillars practiced in intercultural universities.


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How to Cite

De Luca, L. M. (2023). Intercultural and sustainable community engagement: Towards the recovery of biocultural heritage in the Sierra Norte de Puebla. Xihmai, 18(36), 99–122.



Artículos de Investigación