Museums of Science, Technique and Industry: Disseminators of the History and Activists of Identity Discourse




Communication, Industrial heritage, Identity, Museum, Memory


The industrial sector changes according to the requirements and resources of the place where it is located. Therefore, the industrial heritage that is preserved in museums of science, technique and industry conserves the socio-historical-cultural significance of the period to which its exhibition contentes belonged.

The ethnographic and semiotic methods were combined to analize the museum experience and museum discourse of two case studies: the Archivo Histórico y Museo de Minerí­a[2] in Pachuca, Mexico and the Sistema Territorial del Museo Nacional de Ciencia y Técnica de Cataluña[3] in Spain, both organized in a network of different venues throughout their respective territories. In the end, it showed the way in which the museum spaces present discourses that reaffirm the identity generated by the memory.


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How to Cite

Ortega Ortiz , V. (2018). Museums of Science, Technique and Industry: Disseminators of the History and Activists of Identity Discourse. Xihmai, 13(25), 101–120.



Artículos de Investigación