Orientations in Administrative Modernization in the Government of Hidalgo


  • Israel Cruz Badillo Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2020-7143
  • Jorge Bautista Martí­nez Universidad Autónoma del Estado de Hidalgo




Administrative modernization, State development plans, Organizational structure, Governmental apparatus


The purpose of this document is to describe the orientation of the administrative modernization promoted in the last three administrations of the Government of the State of Hidalgo. Orientation aimed at modifying the administrative management system making it more effective, efficient and thus reduce the dimensions of the actual government's organizational structure. Our interest lies in identifying these guidelines through the documentary review of the last three State Development Plans and the directories of the Central Public Administration. However, the hypothesis that we propose, shows us that the incorporation of the NPM in the administrative apparatus exhibits a tendency to increase rather than to the reduction of the governmental structure.


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How to Cite

Cruz Badillo , I., & Bautista Martí­nez , J. (2018). Orientations in Administrative Modernization in the Government of Hidalgo. Xihmai, 13(25), 9–34. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v13i25.298



Artículos de Investigación