The New Mechanism for the Integration of Congresses with Members of Proportional Representation, a More Democratic Formula


  • José Arturo Sosa Echeverrí­a Universidad La Salle Pachuca



Democracy, Election, Proportional Representation


Since the inclusion of the mixed electoral system for the composition of the legislative bodies of the country, there was only a mechanism to access the proportional representation seats, this was, by presenting lists of political parties for this election in particular; Very recently, some local legislatures have adopted a mechanism that includes the traditional system and a new method of accessing these spaces, this in addition to the traditional list today provides for the formation of the second list consisting of candidates who participated in the election under the principle of relative majority; both lists will be made by the respective electoral body to go alternately assigning deputies that correspond to each party. This means that candidates who campaigned and received the direct vote of the electorate, but lost the election, have a chance arriving to Congress, creating a legitimizing sense in the multi-named deputies, because they, whom the citizenship granted their vote directly, besides that it encourages citizen participation because the elector his vote reflected the person to whom he gave it.


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How to Cite

Sosa Echeverrí­a, J. A. (2019). The New Mechanism for the Integration of Congresses with Members of Proportional Representation, a More Democratic Formula. Xihmai, 13(26), 51–78.



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