Model of Elaboration of Financial Runs by the Method of Flows, for non-Financial.


  • Miguel Ángel Ayala Suero Universidad La Salle Pachuca



Financial statements, Decision making, Few accounting knowledge, Business management and control


Document addressed to non-financiers to carry out a financial run. The purpose of this document is to put to the consideration of people without knowledge of finance or accounting such as entrepreneurs, businessman of micro and small businesses, professionals interested in preparing financial statement and for students who need to become familiar with the process of preparing financial
statements and proforma financial statements (the proforma statements are the result of the projection of the next years), a method that logically and simply helps us to carry out a financial run, both for the preparation of projects and for the direction and control of the companies. The objectives are achieved by understanding the way in which economic resources are performed in a
company and how the basic financial statements, income statement, balance and cash flow; They give an account of this situation and help us to interpret what happens in the company and will help us in the way we take decisions to be able to modify the result favorably. This model is the result of thirty years of professional experience in the area of formulation and evaluation of
investment projects, as well as twenty years of teaching experience in this area, which are viewed from the perspective of a non-professional in the field, which
It is sought that without too much knowledge of accounting and administration, in a simple and very consistent with the day to day reality, you can understand
the financial statements and through these what happens in the company for better decision making.


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How to Cite

Ayala Suero, M. Ángel. (2020). Model of Elaboration of Financial Runs by the Method of Flows, for non-Financial. Xihmai, 14(28), 121–146.



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