Social Ethics and Nationalism in the Mexican Political Discourse.


  • Jesús Salvador Moncada Cerón Universidad la Salle México
  • Beatriz Gómez Villanueva Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México.



Nationalism, Institutional Revolutionary Party, Postrevolution, Neoliberalism, Ethical values


National identity is a social construct that has derived from historical processes and their values, which have created a particular vision of what the “national being” is. In this construction, multiple factors have interacted, and, in the case of Mexico, the essential referent, by which the government actions were justified, was attached to the event of the Mexican Revolution in 1910, a legitimacy icon for the Institutional Revolutionary Party, a political party in
power for most of the 20th century. In the present research, the nationalist discourse, emanated from the “political message of government speeches, is analyzed. Particular attention has been given to the subject matter referring to the “expounding on ethical and moral values”, within two fundamental stages in the  development of the country: the postrevolutionary and the neoliberal periods. In this work, the aspects related to the axiological sphere become important, ante the discourse evolution on this subject, within each stage throughout the contemporary history of Mexico, is presented.


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How to Cite

Moncada Cerón, J. S., & Gómez Villanueva, B. (2020). Social Ethics and Nationalism in the Mexican Political Discourse. Xihmai, 15(29), 105–130.



Artículos de Investigación