Secondary education, within the framework of the policy of the State of Hidalgo.


  • Margarita Zamora Hernández



Secondary education, educational, students, policy, science


The pretension of the present article is to reflect about the situation that keeps the secondary education in our organization; as well as to describe some of its political, economic and social implications in the hidalguense scope. In order to give account of how the educative utopias in last the four decades have taken to the reality. The methodology of investigation in the construction of the diagnosis, has its foundation in an ethnographic work, with base in interviews, free observation, it consults informants nails and the necessary document revision. In the academic valuation of students, it was considered to INEE 2002-2003, in educational to ProNap 1997-2004. For the study and valuation of data, the strategic analysis is retaken; in this case it tries a critical valuation, that allows the decision making from technique FODA. In the conclusions significant elements are recovered that they try to orient the repositioning of the secondary hidalguenses.


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How to Cite

Zamora Hernández, M. (2006). Secondary education, within the framework of the policy of the State of Hidalgo. Xihmai, 1(1).



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