The concept of the political is a conception of war politics to the highest degree: A tracing of the warlike transformation of political action by Carl Schmitt


  • Christian David Núñez Prado Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Carl Schmitt, Representation, Political Action, Hobbes, Sovereignty


The purpose of this research is to determine the effects of the transformation of the notion of representation in the theoretical development of Schmitt’s conception of political action between 1923 and 1927. The notion of representation would allow me to show the transition from a rational form to an irrational form of political action in the author. On the one hand, the rational limitation of political action comes from the representation of a truth turned into an institution, where an idea, with its own meaning of a suprapersonal and objective nature, guides the actions of the sovereign. On the other hand, irrationality is born from the attachment of the representation to a subjective sentimental parameter, with which the sovereign's political action comes from the sensation produced by a specific moment and is too close to the immediacy of the sovereign's private human desires. The different conceptions of representation allow us to see two forms of political action in the author: a non-authoritarian and a totalitarian one.


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How to Cite

Núñez Prado, C. D. (2023). The concept of the political is a conception of war politics to the highest degree: A tracing of the warlike transformation of political action by Carl Schmitt. Xihmai, 18(35), 85–120.



Artículos de Investigación