The Enemy is Dead: The Relationship Between Carl Schmitt's Concepts of War and Enemy and Their Application to an Era of Neoliberal Depoliticization


  • Guillermo Andrés Duque Silva Universidad Rey Juan Carlos



Carl Schmitt, friend, no friend, enemy, war, political relations


Carl Schmitt has been considered by many as the last great classic of political philosophy. This German jurist delivered an extensive work to the world and from it, among many, an unforgettable sentence on the origin of all political relations stands out; for him the antagonism between friend and enemy constituted the dichotomy and basic indicator of everything we call “political”. According to Schmitt, it is antagonism, and the latent possibility of war, the ground on which Law and the modern State are built. This powerful affirmation has had multiple repercussions in the political reflection of the 20th century and the first decades of the 21st, to such an extent that it has risen to the level of a "symbol" that synthesizes the realist approach that prefers to privilege political conflict over Law. as a source of legality and legitimacy of the Constitution, the State and, in short, of all institutional order.


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How to Cite

Duque Silva, G. A. (2023). The Enemy is Dead: The Relationship Between Carl Schmitt’s Concepts of War and Enemy and Their Application to an Era of Neoliberal Depoliticization. Xihmai, 18(35), 121–150.



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