A state of the art: ICT as a support tool for higher education in Mexico during and post-pandemic of COVID-19





ICT, education, university, COVID-19, pandemic


This text addresses the state of the art about the importance of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in the Universities of Mexico during and after the COVID-19 pandemic. The problem began with the first infections, which caused confinement and all possible activities were carried out remotely, especially education. Subsequently, in a hybrid way, but with the necessary health measures to continue blended, until today, in the so-called “new normal” where academic activities are carried out as they used to be before the pandemic, but with the corresponding health measures. Unfortunately, the education sector did not have an emerging plan to face this situation, in addition to the sudden substantial change and adaptation to new changes in the teaching-learning processes by teachers to carry out online classes. On the other hand, the students also suffered changes to adapt to the way of study, mainly. However, both teachers and students developed new skills in the use of ICT, accelerating the learning process of these tools exponentially.


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How to Cite

Moreno Gutiérrez, E. (2024). A state of the art: ICT as a support tool for higher education in Mexico during and post-pandemic of COVID-19. Xihmai, 19(37), 201–232. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v19i37.586



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