Gender Identity, a Category for Deconstruction


  • Miriam E. de la Torre Vázquez Universidad La Salle Pachuca



Identity of Gender, Identity, Gender, Self, Subject, Power and Deconstruction


This article represents a part of my research work where identity and gender are concepts that need to be questioned and deconstructed. In order to achieve this, I resort to critical philosophy and psychoanalysis, and interpret with its theoretical postulates a theme that some like Nietzsche, Freud and Foucault never approached, at least not directly, nevertheless its legacy allows the exercise. Derrida and Butler are more familiar with concepts. It is an issue that deserves even more work and more reflection, it is an unfinished theme, but it is also an issue that is expected, with better historical moments, to achieve this, it is necessary to continue working.


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How to Cite

de la Torre Vázquez, M. E. (2017). Gender Identity, a Category for Deconstruction. Xihmai, 12(23), 83–102.



Artículos de Investigación