Alternative Medicine, Bowspring, Psychological Dimensions, Mental HealthAbstract
The Bowspring method is a postural work system that is focused on developing the body's natural curves to maximize agility and lightness, relieving pain and working in all physical, psychic and bonding spheres of the human being. The research aimed at studying the psychosocial dimensions that this practice can influence. A quasi-experimental design with pre-post evaluations and three-month follow-up was used in a sample of 30 people of both sexes. The results showed a significant decrease in psychopathological symptoms in the post-intervention period and the stability of other variables such as self-efficacy, self-esteem, empathy, perceived stress and psychological wellness in the three-month follow-up, which contributes to ruling out iatrogenic factors. This research intended to be a first approach to the empirical study of the effectiveness of Bowspring practice and, in accordance with philosophical-epistemological positions that postulate the integrality of the human experience, contribute to the knowledge of the effects of alternative medicines in its different dimensions.
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