If You Are Pregnant Take this Cautions: Violent Extraction of Neonates in Mexico and Configuration of a Gender’s Condition Contradictory and Distopic of the Woman





Gendered condition, Intra-Gender Violence, Economic and Social Precariousness, Contradiction and Dystopia


The aim in this article is to provide a theoretical reflection about gendered condition. We reviewed some Mexican journals to comprehend six events happened in some states of Mexico during 2018, which deploy meetings between two women, one of them who goes to the reunion and has been fooled with the promise of getting some clothes for her future baby, and the other one who is devoted to take the unborn baby out the pregnant belly for making her/him of her own or giving her/him to a third woman and grant access to a sui generis motherhood. The result of this meeting ends with pregnant woman and her unborn baby dead, as well as the woman causing those deaths at the police department. The thesis underlying this phenomenon is that: due to economic and social structural conditions of precariousness, it is configured a contradictory and dystopic woman gendered condition came up by a wicked definition of them as criminals and victims.


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How to Cite

Gutiérrez Domí­nguez, L. F., & Güemes Cruz , A. (2019). If You Are Pregnant Take this Cautions: Violent Extraction of Neonates in Mexico and Configuration of a Gender’s Condition Contradictory and Distopic of the Woman. Xihmai, 14(27), 9–34. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v14i27.315



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