Spoiler Alert: Television and New Technologies. Macedo Rodríguez, Alfonso (Coord.) Pachuca: La Salle Pachuca University 2019.


  • Verónica Alvarado Hernández Rojas Universidad Autónoma de la Ciudad de México




Alerta, Revelación, Nuevas Tecnologías


To start presenting this book, we cannot ignore the importance of the central place that my now good friend -although already my acquaintance from the University- Alfonso Macedo occupies in this initiative, who started all this three years ago in the La Salle Pachuca University, and it cannot be left unmentioned, due to the depth that this implies, since it responds to a spirit, always present in Macedo, of encouraging in students and colleagues a taste for knowledge and constant reflection on topics of current interest; This, although it seems obvious, is not present in all teachers or in all university institutions. Alfonso Macedo mentions in the presentation of the book what kind of reading we will find in the content of this work and what we will find is precisely not only about what the great mass media have established before phenomena such as television series and that have their reflection on notions such as that of Spoiler, which refers to the mere speculation of future plots and episodes, but that, contravening these massive notions, other types of analysis are carried out, those that go not only into the future, but into the retrospective , an analysis of the stories, plots, characters, outcomes, genres, etc. This will imply not remaining trivial, but taking several more steps to understand details, allusions, relationships, implicit reflections, ethical positions, etc. We find this type of analysis in Spoiler Alert; As the coordinator of the volume rightly mentions, this look enriches the experience of television series, through a much more exhaustive review channeled by the very diverse approaches of interdiscipline.


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How to Cite

Hernández Rojas, V. A. (2020). Spoiler Alert: Television and New Technologies. Macedo Rodríguez, Alfonso (Coord.) Pachuca: La Salle Pachuca University 2019. Xihmai, 14(28), 147–152. https://doi.org/10.37646/xihmai.v14i28.320


