Genesic dismemberment and mythical fecundation amongst Ancient Mesoamerican and Pharaonic Egyptian cosmovisions




Worldview, genesic, myths, dismembermen, fecundation


In ancient Mesoamerica the principle “death generates life” permeates all spheres of the worldview. One of the forms of death is sacrificial, this contains dismemberment, and dismemberments were recurrent in the mythical and visual narratives of the codices and the iconographic repertoire in stone, as well as in New Spain sources. Likewise, the dismemberment was referred to in the myths of pharaonic Egypt, where the story of the death and resurrection of Osiris was central to the beliefs of life in the Afterlife and to the conception of the agricultural cycle. This deity personified wheat and barley, the basis of the diet of the ancient country of the Nile, which when harvested and threshed becomes the sustenance of humanity. For this reason, this work analyzes the association between the dismemberment and the genesis it caused.


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How to Cite

Domínguez Ángeles, A., & P. Taber, G. (2023). Genesic dismemberment and mythical fecundation amongst Ancient Mesoamerican and Pharaonic Egyptian cosmovisions. Xihmai, 18(36), 123–150.



Artículos de Investigación