Sexual Education in Adolescents in the Community of Tilcuautla, Hgo.


  • Belem Lacayo Olivelia Universidad La Salle Pachuca
  • Alina Dorantes Rodrí­guez Universidad La Salle Pachuca
  • Karen Estrada Barraza Universidad La Salle Pachuca
  • Margarita Bautista García



Sex education , Contributions from school and home , Sexually transmitted diseases


The present work shows the qualitative investigation of what are the notions of sexual education in 48 adolescents between fourteen and fifteen years of age from the community of Tilcuautla, Hidalgo. The objective is to investigate the information provided by teachers, parents in their homes, conversations with friends, campaigns and treatment aimed at a low sociocultural level. A type of realist or mixed ethnographic design was used because it has a partially positivist meaning, since qualitative and quantitative data were collected. Focus groups lasting three sessions, participant observation were used as data collection techniques, and surveys were applied to three groups of second and third grade adolescents from Telesecundaria 196. The data obtained were categorized to obtain the following results: they have information about sexuality and sexual relationships; They no longer take into account social taboos and the beginning of sexual life is not common at these ages. They know the methods of contraception and the percentage of effectiveness, but they are not used due to lack of resources. The school has guided them regarding sexual education, although preventively, and they prefer to talk to their parents about the subject than with their friends. What they ignore is about sexually transmitted diseases. The surveys showed that 56% of the population has received adequate sexual education, while 16% suggest that it is non-existent and 58% do not consider it as relevant or do not have it.


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How to Cite

Lacayo Olivelia, B., Dorantes Rodrí­guez, A., Estrada Barraza, K., & Bautista García, M. (2014). Sexual Education in Adolescents in the Community of Tilcuautla, Hgo. Huella De La Palabra, (8), 79–92.




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